
Tinder Dating Arrangement

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When you’re a sugar daddy on Seeking Arrangements, you’re gonna be pleasantly surprised when you finally meet your sugar baby in person. She’s going to look exactly like she did in her pictures.

You might not think this is a big deal, but if you’ve been using Tinder or any other dating site, you know that pictures don’t always tell the story. When it comes to online dating, a picture isn’t worth a thousand words. In fact, a picture is worth only a few words in online dating.*

Ronin Eternales November 29, 2020. Tinder Safe Dating is an online dating scam. You will lose your money if you sign up for it. A reader on my youtube channel sent me the link. He was chatting up a girl, or so he thought, when “she” sent him a link, and asked him to sign-up. Nov 29, 2020 Ronin Eternales November 29, 2020. Tinder Safe Dating is an online dating scam. You will lose your money if you sign up for it. A reader on my youtube channel sent me the link. He was chatting up a girl, or so he thought, when “she” sent him a link, and asked him to sign-up.

Tinder Dating Arrangement

May 25, 2021 Yes, Tinder is largely a looks-based endeavor (most dating apps are) and can sometimes feel superficial for that reason, but remember: It's not really any different to meeting someone at a party. Tinder killed online dating, but Seeking Arrangement buried it. I think a lot of you dudes who don't know much about Seeking Arrangement underestimate the role it's played in the death knell of OL dating. Tinder killed it with its increasingly dire algorithm (unless you continue to level up in their subscription models), but Seeking Arrangement.

*And if you’re using Tinder, all this assumes you even meet her out at all. (As I said in the More Dates, Less Flakes article.)

Tinder pictures are often misleading. The photo that made you swipe right was a photo that she probably picked out of 100 different shots. She will not look like that in person.

Seeking Arrangements is Much Better

What Is A Typical Tinder Date

Being a sugar daddy on Seeking Arrangements is a lot better than trying to meet girls on Tinder because sugar babies take real photos of themselves.

A Sugar baby is looking for you to take care of her. Typically, they are smart enough to know that guys like pictures. So she’s going to send you real pictures and multiple pictures if you ask.

Remember, as a sugar daddy, you have the advantage, there are many more girls on seekingarrangement.com than there are guys.

Photo Quality on Seeking Arrangements

Most photos have a behind the scenes bathroom selfie look. This is actually good. You don’t want to see studio quality photos as described below. Selfies without proper lighting or perfect angles make sugar baby pictures real.

This all means that when you meet her for the first time, she will look just as good, if not better, in person.

Tinder Dating Arrangement Sites

Yes, I’ve been disappointed a few times, but these were the exceptions.

Nothing like meeting girls from Tinder, or even Instagram DMs. When those girls show up, they always look worse.

Or maybe not extremely unattractive, just older and heavier.

One time I met a girl on Tinder that was so different and unattractive in real life that when I saw her in the bar, I immediately turned around and left.

Professional Photos on Seeking Arrangements

Some girls will send you professional headshots. Professional headshots on Seeking Arrangement don’t send off alarm bells the same way they do on Tinder.

If you use Tinder, you know that professionally done pictures are almost always fake or escorts.*


*A possible exception is Ukraine and Russia. Eastern European girls take their photos very seriously. So a professionally done photo may not necessarily be fake.

Body photos on Seeking Arrangements

Most sugar babies will have a few photos of her body and not merely her face. If a girl doesn’t have pictures of her body or refuses to send you some, be careful, she’s probably fat. As I said above, girls know that guys are visual and want pictures. If she doesn’t show her body, something is wrong.

Guys Have Different Types

With that said, there are slightly heavier girls on seekingarrangements.com. But these girls are catering to a niche. They will proudly send you photos of their body and not hide it. They know some of you like that.

A Good Thing About Tinder

Probably the only good thing about Tinder these days is the Instagram option.

This is an option where girls can link their Tinder profile to their Instagram. Then on Instagram, you can see a variety of different pictures of her.

Tinder Safe Dating

Her Instagram pictures are different from the ones on her Tinder profile.

These are pictures that she may not have wanted guys to see.

Tinder Dating Arrangement

But you can probably guess, usually only the hottest girls on Tinder link their Instagram. If you use Tinder, you probably know that about 3 out ever 10 girls link their Instagram.

Tinder Dating Arrangement Reddit

Note: That’s probably the first and only good thing about Tinder that’s ever been said on this site.

Review Tinder Dating Site

Despite this one good thing, you are much better off signing up with seekingarrangement.com if you’re tired of being misled by pictures.

Tinder Dating Arrangement Real


Sign up for free here: Seekingarrangement.com